C# Path.ChangeExtension的代码示例


通过代码示例来学习C# Path.ChangeExtension方法

1. 代码示例提供了一个具体而直观的学习环境,使初学者能够立即看到编程概念和语法的实际应用。
2. 通过分析和模仿现有的代码实例,初学者可以更好地理解编程逻辑和算法的工作原理。
3. 代码实例往往涵盖了多种编程技巧和最佳实践,通过学习和模仿这些实例,学习者可以逐步掌握如何编写高效、可读性强和可维护的代码。这对于初学者来说,是一种快速提升编程水平的有效途径。

Path.ChangeExtension是C#的System.IO命名空间下中的一个方法, 小编为大家找了一些网络大拿们常见的代码示例,源码中的Path.ChangeExtension() 已经帮大家高亮显示了,大家可以重点学习Path.ChangeExtension() 方法的写法,从而快速掌握该方法的应用。

Path.ChangeExtension的代码示例1 - DeleteStaleTempPrefetchPackAndIdxs()

    using System.IO;

        public virtual void DeleteStaleTempPrefetchPackAndIdxs()
            string[] staleTempPacks = this.ReadPackFileNames(Path.Combine(this.Enlistment.GitPackRoot, GitObjects.TempPackFolder), GVFSConstants.PrefetchPackPrefix);
            foreach (string stalePackPath in staleTempPacks)
                string staleIdxPath = Path.ChangeExtension(stalePackPath, ".idx");
                string staleTempIdxPath = Path.ChangeExtension(stalePackPath, TempIdxExtension);

                EventMetadata metadata = CreateEventMetadata();
                metadata.Add("stalePackPath", stalePackPath);
                metadata.Add("staleIdxPath", staleIdxPath);
                metadata.Add("staleTempIdxPath", staleTempIdxPath);
                metadata.Add(TracingConstants.MessageKey.InfoMessage, "Deleting stale temp pack and/or idx file");

                this.fileSystem.TryDeleteFile(staleTempIdxPath, metadataKey: nameof(staleTempIdxPath), metadata: metadata);
                this.fileSystem.TryDeleteFile(staleIdxPath, metadataKey: nameof(staleIdxPath), metadata: metadata);
                this.fileSystem.TryDeleteFile(stalePackPath, metadataKey: nameof(stalePackPath), metadata: metadata);

                this.Tracer.RelatedEvent(EventLevel.Informational, nameof(this.DeleteStaleTempPrefetchPackAndIdxs), metadata);

开发者ID: microsoft,   项目名称: VFSForGit,   代码行数: 23,   代码来源: GitObjects.cs

在microsoft提供的DeleteStaleTempPrefetchPackAndIdxs()方法中,该源代码示例一共有23行, 其中使用了Path.ChangeExtension()2次, 并且小编将这些方法高亮显示出来了,希望对您了解Path.ChangeExtension()有帮助。 如果您觉得有帮助的话,请帮忙点赞或转发。
该代码示例的点赞次数为3, 点赞数越大, 从某种程度说明这个示例对了解Path.ChangeExtension()可能更有帮助。

Path.ChangeExtension的代码示例2 - CleanStaleIdxFiles()

    using System.IO;

        // public only for unit tests
        public List CleanStaleIdxFiles(out int numDeletionBlocked)
            List packDirContents = this.Context

            numDeletionBlocked = 0;
            List deletedIdxFiles = new List();

            // If something (probably VFS for Git) has a handle open to a ".idx" file, then
            // the 'git multi-pack-index expire' command cannot delete it. We should come in
            // later and try to clean these up. Count those that we are able to delete and
            // those we still can't.

            foreach (DirectoryItemInfo info in packDirContents)
                if (string.Equals(Path.GetExtension(info.Name), ".idx", GVFSPlatform.Instance.Constants.PathComparison))
                    string pairedPack = Path.ChangeExtension(info.FullName, ".pack");

                    if (!this.Context.FileSystem.FileExists(pairedPack))
                        if (this.Context.FileSystem.TryDeleteFile(info.FullName))

            return deletedIdxFiles;

开发者ID: microsoft,   项目名称: VFSForGit,   代码行数: 40,   代码来源: PackfileMaintenanceStep.cs

在microsoft提供的CleanStaleIdxFiles()方法中,该源代码示例一共有40行, 其中使用了Path.ChangeExtension()1次, 并且小编将这些方法高亮显示出来了,希望对您了解Path.ChangeExtension()有帮助。 如果您觉得有帮助的话,请帮忙点赞或转发。
该代码示例的点赞次数为3, 点赞数越大, 从某种程度说明这个示例对了解Path.ChangeExtension()可能更有帮助。

Path.ChangeExtension的代码示例3 - UpdateKeepPacks()

    using System.IO;

        /// Ensure the prefetch pack with most-recent timestamp has an associated
        /// ".keep" file. This prevents any Git command from deleting the pack.
        /// Delete the previous ".keep" file(s) so that pack can be deleted when they
        /// are not the most-recent pack.
        private void UpdateKeepPacks()
            if (!this.TryGetMaxGoodPrefetchTimestamp(out long maxGoodTimeStamp, out string error))

            string prefix = $"prefetch-{maxGoodTimeStamp}-";

            DirectoryItemInfo info = this.Context
                                         .Where(item => item.Name.StartsWith(prefix)
                                                        && string.Equals(Path.GetExtension(item.Name), ".pack", GVFSPlatform.Instance.Constants.PathComparison))
            if (info == null)
                this.Context.Tracer.RelatedWarning(this.CreateEventMetadata(), $"Could not find latest prefetch pack, starting with {prefix}");

            string newKeepFile = Path.ChangeExtension(info.FullName, ".keep");

            if (!this.Context.FileSystem.TryWriteAllText(newKeepFile, string.Empty))
                this.Context.Tracer.RelatedWarning(this.CreateEventMetadata(), $"Failed to create .keep file at {newKeepFile}");

            foreach (string keepFile in this.Context
                                     .Where(item => item.Name.EndsWith(".keep"))
                                     .Select(item => item.FullName))
                if (!keepFile.Equals(newKeepFile))

开发者ID: microsoft,   项目名称: VFSForGit,   代码行数: 50,   代码来源: PrefetchStep.cs

在microsoft提供的UpdateKeepPacks()方法中,该源代码示例一共有50行, 其中使用了Path.ChangeExtension()1次, 并且小编将这些方法高亮显示出来了,希望对您了解Path.ChangeExtension()有帮助。 如果您觉得有帮助的话,请帮忙点赞或转发。
该代码示例的点赞次数为3, 点赞数越大, 从某种程度说明这个示例对了解Path.ChangeExtension()可能更有帮助。

Path.ChangeExtension的代码示例4 - PrefetchBuildsIdxWhenMissingFromPrefetchPack()

    using System.IO;

        [TestCase, Order(2)]
        public void PrefetchBuildsIdxWhenMissingFromPrefetchPack()
            string[] prefetchPacks = this.ReadPrefetchPackFileNames();
            prefetchPacks.Length.ShouldBeAtLeast(1, "There should be at least one prefetch pack");

            string idxPath = Path.ChangeExtension(prefetchPacks[0], ".idx");
            File.SetAttributes(idxPath, FileAttributes.Normal);

            // Prefetch should rebuild the missing idx


            // All of the original prefetch packs should still be present
            string[] newPrefetchPacks = this.ReadPrefetchPackFileNames();
            newPrefetchPacks.ShouldContain(prefetchPacks, (item, expectedValue) => { return string.Equals(item, expectedValue); });

开发者ID: microsoft,   项目名称: VFSForGit,   代码行数: 26,   代码来源: PrefetchVerbWithoutSharedCacheTests.cs

在microsoft提供的PrefetchBuildsIdxWhenMissingFromPrefetchPack()方法中,该源代码示例一共有26行, 其中使用了Path.ChangeExtension()1次, 并且小编将这些方法高亮显示出来了,希望对您了解Path.ChangeExtension()有帮助。 如果您觉得有帮助的话,请帮忙点赞或转发。
该代码示例的点赞次数为3, 点赞数越大, 从某种程度说明这个示例对了解Path.ChangeExtension()可能更有帮助。

Path.ChangeExtension的代码示例5 - DigitalySign()

    using System.IO;

        //static Task ExecuteInNewContext(Func action)
        //    var taskResult = new TaskCompletionSource();

        //    var asyncFlow = ExecutionContext.SuppressFlow();

        //    try
        //    {
        //        Task.Run(() =>
        //        {
        //            try
        //            {
        //                var result = action();

        //                taskResult.SetResult(result);
        //            }
        //            catch (Exception exception)
        //            {
        //                taskResult.SetException(exception);
        //            }
        //        })
        //            .Wait();
        //    }
        //    finally
        //    {
        //        asyncFlow.Undo();
        //    }

        //    return taskResult.Task;
        //static public string EmmitComWxs(string fileIn, string fileOut = null, string extraArgs = null)
        //    if (fileOut == null)
        //        fileOut = IO.Path.ChangeExtension(fileIn, "wxs");

        //    //heat.exe fileIn -gg -out fileOut

        //    string args = $"\"{fileIn}\" -gg -out \"{fileOut}\" {extraArgs}";

        //    var tool = new ExternalTool
        //    {
        //        WellKnownLocations = Compiler.WixLocation,
        //        ExePath = "heat.exe",
        //        Arguments = args
        //    };
        //    if (tool.ConsoleRun() == 0)
        //        return fileOut;
        //    else
        //        return null;

        /// Applies digital signature to a file (e.g. msi, exe, dll) with MS SignTool.exe utility.
        /// If you need to specify extra SignTool.exe parameters or the location of the tool use the overloaded DigitalySign signature 
        /// The file to sign.
        /// Specify the signing certificate in a file. If this file is a PFX with a password, the password may be supplied
        /// with the password parameter.
        /// The timestamp server's URL. If this option is not present, the signed file will not be timestamped.
        /// A warning is generated if timestamping fails.
        /// The password to use when opening the PFX file.
        /// Exit code of the SignTool.exe process.
        /// The following is an example of signing Setup.msi file.
        /// WixSharp.CommonTasks.Tasks.DigitalySign(
        ///     "Setup.msi",
        ///     "MyCert.pfx",
        ///     "http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll",
        ///     "MyPassword");
        static public int DigitalySign(string fileToSign, string pfxFile, string timeURL, string password)
            return DigitalySign(fileToSign, pfxFile, timeURL, password, null);

开发者ID: oleg-shilo,   项目名称: wixsharp,   代码行数: 78,   代码来源: CommonTasks.cs

在oleg-shilo提供的DigitalySign()方法中,该源代码示例一共有78行, 其中使用了Path.ChangeExtension()1次, 并且小编将这些方法高亮显示出来了,希望对您了解Path.ChangeExtension()有帮助。 如果您觉得有帮助的话,请帮忙点赞或转发。
该代码示例的点赞次数为3, 点赞数越大, 从某种程度说明这个示例对了解Path.ChangeExtension()可能更有帮助。

Path.ChangeExtension的代码示例6 - BuildCmd()

    using System.IO;

        /// Builds the WiX source file and generates batch file capable of building
        /// WiX/MSI bootstrapper with WiX toolset.
        /// The project.
        /// The path to the batch file to be created.
        /// Wix compiler/linker cannot be found
        public static string BuildCmd(Bundle project, string path = null)
            if (path == null)
                path = IO.Path.GetFullPath(IO.Path.Combine(project.OutDir, "Build_" + project.OutFileName) + ".cmd");

            path = path.ExpandEnvVars();

            string wixLocationEnvVar = $"set WixLocation={WixLocation}" + Environment.NewLine;
            string compiler = Utils.PathCombine(WixLocation, "candle.exe");
            string linker = Utils.PathCombine(WixLocation, "light.exe");
            string batchFile = path;

            if (!IO.File.Exists(compiler) || !IO.File.Exists(linker))
                Compiler.OutputWriteLine("Wix binaries cannot be found. Expected location is " + IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(compiler));
                throw new ApplicationException("Wix compiler/linker cannot be found");
                string wxsFile = BuildWxs(project);

                if (!project.SourceBaseDir.IsEmpty())
                    Environment.CurrentDirectory = project.SourceBaseDir;

                string objFile = IO.Path.ChangeExtension(wxsFile, ".wixobj");
                string pdbFile = IO.Path.ChangeExtension(wxsFile, ".wixpdb");

                string extensionDlls = "";
                // note we need to avoid possible duplications cause by non expanded envars
                // %wix_location%\ext.dll vs c:\Program Files\...\ext.dll
                foreach (string dll in project.WixExtensions.DistinctBy(x => x.ExpandEnvVars()))
                    extensionDlls += " -ext \"" + dll + "\"";

                string wxsFiles = "";
                foreach (string file in project.WxsFiles.Distinct())
                    wxsFiles += " \"" + file + "\"";

                var candleOptions = CandleOptions + " " + project.CandleOptions;

                string batchFileContent = wixLocationEnvVar + "\"" + compiler + "\" " + candleOptions + " " + extensionDlls +
                                          " \"" + wxsFile + "\" ";

                string outDir = null;
                if (wxsFiles.IsNotEmpty())
                    batchFileContent += wxsFiles;
                    outDir = IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(wxsFile);
                    // if multiple files are specified candle expect a path for the -out switch
                    // or no path at all (use current directory)
                    // note the '\' character must be escaped twice: as a C# string and as a CMD char
                    if (outDir.IsNotEmpty())
                        batchFileContent += $" -out \"{outDir}\\\\\"";
                    batchFileContent += $" -out \"{objFile}\"";

                batchFileContent += "\r\n";

                string fragmentObjectFiles = project.WxsFiles
                                             .JoinBy(" ", file => "\"" + outDir.PathCombine(IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file)) + ".wixobj\"");

                string lightOptions = LightOptions + " " + project.LightOptions;

                if (fragmentObjectFiles.IsNotEmpty())
                    lightOptions += " " + fragmentObjectFiles;

                if (path.IsNotEmpty())
                    lightOptions += " -out \"" + IO.Path.ChangeExtension(objFile, ".exe") + "\"";

                batchFileContent += "\"" + linker + "\" " + lightOptions + " \"" + objFile + "\" " + extensionDlls + " -cultures:" + project.Language + "\r\npause";

                batchFileContent = batchFileContent.ExpandEnvVars();

                using (var sw = new IO.StreamWriter(batchFile))

            return path;

开发者ID: oleg-shilo,   项目名称: wixsharp,   代码行数: 90,   代码来源: Compiler.Bootstrapper.cs

在oleg-shilo提供的BuildCmd()方法中,该源代码示例一共有90行, 其中使用了Path.ChangeExtension()3次, 并且小编将这些方法高亮显示出来了,希望对您了解Path.ChangeExtension()有帮助。 如果您觉得有帮助的话,请帮忙点赞或转发。
该代码示例的点赞次数为3, 点赞数越大, 从某种程度说明这个示例对了解Path.ChangeExtension()可能更有帮助。



Path.ChangeExtension的错误类型有很多, 这里就不一一阐述了,本文只列出一些常见的代码示例供参考,大家可以看一下代码中Catch语句中是否有常见的错误捕获及处理。


Path.ChangeExtension构造函数功能基本类似,只是参数不同; 目前主流的集成开发环境都已经带智能提醒了,如:Visual Studio; 大家可以非常轻松的通过Visual Studio中的智能提醒,了解对应构造函数的用法。


ChartGPT写出的代码和本文中的小编提供的代码的区别。 ChartGPT发展到现在已经非常聪明了,但需要使用这提供非常专业的问题,才可能有比较好的源代码示例; 而本文中, 小编已经帮您列出来基本所有类和所有方法的使用示例, 而且这些示例基本都是一些网络大佬提供的源码,可以更方便的供一些开发菜鸟或者资深开发参考和学习。






