C# Stream.SetLength的代码示例

通过代码示例来学习C# Stream.SetLength方法

1. 代码示例提供了一个具体而直观的学习环境,使初学者能够立即看到编程概念和语法的实际应用。
2. 通过分析和模仿现有的代码实例,初学者可以更好地理解编程逻辑和算法的工作原理。
3. 代码实例往往涵盖了多种编程技巧和最佳实践,通过学习和模仿这些实例,学习者可以逐步掌握如何编写高效、可读性强和可维护的代码。这对于初学者来说,是一种快速提升编程水平的有效途径。

Stream.SetLength是C#的System.IO命名空间下中的一个方法, 小编为大家找了一些网络大拿们常见的代码示例,源码中的Stream.SetLength() 已经帮大家高亮显示了,大家可以重点学习Stream.SetLength() 方法的写法,从而快速掌握该方法的应用。

Stream.SetLength的代码示例1 - SignIndex()

    using System.IO;

        private void SignIndex()
            using (ITracer activity = this.tracer.StartActivity("SignIndex", EventLevel.Informational, Keywords.Telemetry, metadata: null))
                using (FileStream fs = File.Open(this.indexPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                    // Truncate the old hash off. The Index class is expected to preserve any existing hash.
                    fs.SetLength(fs.Length - 20);
                    using (HashingStream hashStream = new HashingStream(fs))
                        fs.Position = 0;
                        byte[] hash = hashStream.Hash;

                        // The fs pointer is now where the old hash used to be. Perfect. :)
                        fs.Write(hash, 0, hash.Length);


在SignIndex()方法中,Stream的代码示例类中的SetLength的代码示例方法一共出现了1次, 见黄色背景高亮显示的地方,欢迎大家点赞

Stream.SetLength的代码示例2 - OpenAppendInternal()

    using System.IO;

		/// Internal routine
		/// Normally false. Obsolete API uses true
		/// The token that can be used to cancel the entire process
		/// A stream for appending the file on the server
		public virtual async Task OpenAppendInternal(string path, FtpDataType type, long fileLen, bool ignoreStaleData, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken)) {
			// verify args
			if (path.IsBlank()) {
				throw new ArgumentException("Required parameter is null or blank.", nameof(path));

			path = path.GetFtpPath();
			LastStreamPath = path;

			LogFunction(nameof(OpenAppend), new object[] {path, type, fileLen, ignoreStaleData });

			var client = this;
			FtpDataStream stream = null;
			long length = 0;

			length = fileLen == 0 ? await client.GetFileSize(path, -1, token) : fileLen;

			await client.SetDataTypeAsync(type, token);
			stream = await client.OpenDataStreamAsync("APPE " + path, 0, token);

			if (length > 0 && stream != null) {

			Status.IgnoreStaleData = ignoreStaleData;

			return stream;


在OpenAppendInternal()方法中,Stream的代码示例类中的SetLength的代码示例方法一共出现了1次, 见黄色背景高亮显示的地方,欢迎大家点赞

Stream.SetLength的代码示例3 - OpenReadInternal()

    using System.IO;

		/// Internal routine
		/// Normally false. Obsolete API uses true
		/// The token that can be used to cancel the entire process
		/// A stream for reading the file on the server
		public virtual async Task OpenReadInternal(string path, FtpDataType type, long fileLen, long restart, bool ignoreStaleData, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken)) {
			// verify args
			if (path.IsBlank()) {
				throw new ArgumentException("Required parameter is null or blank.", nameof(path));

			path = path.GetFtpPath();
			LastStreamPath = path;

			LogFunction(nameof(OpenRead), new object[] { path, type, restart, fileLen, ignoreStaleData });

			var client = this;
			FtpDataStream stream = null;
			long length = 0;

			length = fileLen == 0 ? await client.GetFileSize(path, -1, token) : fileLen;

			await client.SetDataTypeAsync(type, token);
			stream = await client.OpenDataStreamAsync("RETR " + path, restart, token);

			if (stream != null) {
				if (length > 0) {

				if (restart > 0) {

			Status.IgnoreStaleData = ignoreStaleData;

			return stream;


在OpenReadInternal()方法中,Stream的代码示例类中的SetLength的代码示例方法一共出现了1次, 见黄色背景高亮显示的地方,欢迎大家点赞

Stream.SetLength的代码示例4 - OpenWriteInternal()

    using System.IO;

		/// Internal routine
		/// Normally false. Obsolete API uses true
		/// The token that can be used to cancel the entire process
		/// A stream for writing the file on the server
		public virtual async Task OpenWriteInternal(string path, FtpDataType type, long fileLen, bool ignoreStaleData, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken)) {
			// verify args
			if (path.IsBlank()) {
				throw new ArgumentException("Required parameter is null or blank.", nameof(path));

			path = path.GetFtpPath();
			LastStreamPath = path;

			LogFunction(nameof(OpenWrite), new object[] {path, type, fileLen, ignoreStaleData });

			var client = this;
			FtpDataStream stream = null;
			long length = 0;

			length = fileLen == 0 ? await client.GetFileSize(path, -1, token) : fileLen;

			await client.SetDataTypeAsync(type, token);
			stream = await client.OpenDataStreamAsync("STOR " + path, 0, token);

			if (length > 0 && stream != null) {

			Status.IgnoreStaleData = ignoreStaleData;

			return stream;


在OpenWriteInternal()方法中,Stream的代码示例类中的SetLength的代码示例方法一共出现了1次, 见黄色背景高亮显示的地方,欢迎大家点赞

Stream.SetLength的代码示例5 - SaveAsync()

    using System.IO;

		public override async Task SaveAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
				await storageSemaphore.WaitAsync(cancellationToken);
				await EnsureSettingsFileAsync(cancellationToken);

				_ = _databaseFile ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("The database file was not properly initialized.");

				await using var dataStream = await _databaseFile.OpenStreamAsync(FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.Read, cancellationToken);
				await using var settingsStream = await serializer.SerializeAsync(settingsCache, cancellationToken);

				// Overwrite existing content
				dataStream.Position = 0L;

				// Copy contents
				settingsStream.Position = 0L;
				await settingsStream.CopyToAsync(dataStream, cancellationToken);

				return true;
				_ = storageSemaphore.Release();


在SaveAsync()方法中,Stream的代码示例类中的SetLength的代码示例方法一共出现了1次, 见黄色背景高亮显示的地方,欢迎大家点赞

Stream.SetLength的代码示例6 - CreateFolderAsync()

    using System.IO;
		public override IAsyncOperation CreateFolderAsync(string desiredName, CreationCollisionOption options)
			return AsyncInfo.Run((cancellationToken) => SafetyExtensions.Wrap(async () =>
				var zipDesiredName = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, desiredName);
				var item = await GetItemAsync(desiredName);
				if (item is not null)
					if (options != CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting)
						return null;
					await item.DeleteAsync();

				using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
					using (var archiveStream = await OpenZipFileAsync(FileAccessMode.Read))
						SevenZipCompressor compressor = new SevenZipCompressor() { CompressionMode = CompressionMode.Append };
						var fileName = IO.Path.GetRelativePath(containerPath, zipDesiredName);
						await compressor.CompressStreamDictionaryAsync(archiveStream, new Dictionary() { { fileName, null } }, Credentials.Password, ms);
					using (var archiveStream = await OpenZipFileAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite))
						ms.Position = 0;
						await ms.CopyToAsync(archiveStream);
						await ms.FlushAsync();

				var folder = new ZipStorageFolder(zipDesiredName, containerPath, backingFile);
				return folder;
			}, ((IPasswordProtectedItem)this).RetryWithCredentialsAsync));


在CreateFolderAsync()方法中,Stream的代码示例类中的SetLength的代码示例方法一共出现了1次, 见黄色背景高亮显示的地方,欢迎大家点赞

Stream.SetLength的代码示例7 - Initialize()

    using System.IO;

        /// Create a new empty database (use synced mode)
        private void Initialize(Stream stream, Collation collation, long initialSize)
            var buffer = new PageBuffer(new byte[PAGE_SIZE], 0, 0);
            var header = new HeaderPage(buffer, 0);

            // update collation
            header.Pragmas.Set(Pragmas.COLLATION, (collation ?? Collation.Default).ToString(), false);

            // update buffer

            stream.Write(buffer.Array, buffer.Offset, PAGE_SIZE);

            if (initialSize > 0)
                if (stream is AesStream) throw LiteException.InitialSizeCryptoNotSupported();
                if (initialSize % PAGE_SIZE != 0) throw LiteException.InvalidInitialSize();



在Initialize()方法中,Stream的代码示例类中的SetLength的代码示例方法一共出现了1次, 见黄色背景高亮显示的地方,欢迎大家点赞

Stream.SetLength的代码示例8 - Save()

    using System.IO;

        /// Saves the current image to the specified output stream.
        /// The stream to save the image information to.
        /// The format which which to encode the image.
        /// The color depth in bits per pixel.
        /// The current .
        public ImageFactory Save(Stream stream, IImageFormat format, BitDepth bitDepth)

            // Allow the same stream to be used as for input.
            if (stream.CanSeek)

            format.Save(stream, this.Image, bitDepth, this.Quality);
            if (stream.CanSeek)
                stream.Position = 0;

            return this;


在Save()方法中,Stream的代码示例类中的SetLength的代码示例方法一共出现了1次, 见黄色背景高亮显示的地方,欢迎大家点赞
